Univy New (18.04) 21mm (04 units)- ORIFICE SHAPER

$ 6,00


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SKU: UN180421 Categoria: 1

Memory control, excellent cut and design with inactive rounded tip

ü Reduce the risk thickness of the actual channel length
ü Better  resistance  to  cutting;
ü Efficient  and  secure  modeling.

Univy-T ( Special NiTi Alloy )

ü It has special heat treatment.
ü Excellent memory control.
ü Excellent flexibility and fracture resistance.

Cross Section

ü 3  edges that make cutting more efficient
ü Greater  concentration  of  mass  which  increases  resistance  and  strength,  extending  the cycle  of  use.
Peso 0,010 kg
Dimensões 0,01 × 6 × 7,7 cm


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